
I love to paint, and have been developing my skills and style since the early 2000's. The more I paint, the clearer it seems to me that I need to paint quickly, enjoy the medium I am working in, and to STOP before I overwork things. I once read that an artist, asked 'how long' it took for him to paint a certain thing, answered "instead, ask how long it took me to learn to paint in this way".

I think this is very true for me. Maybe it's like the Zen way of painting - a long contemplation followed by a few strokes. Each of these paintings was done in one sitting (usually an hour), and they are by far the most successful ones I have created.

I enjoy painting in watercolours, gouache, acrylics, and oils, although the clean-up of oil colours mean I rather grab my acrylics, using a medium that makes them behave more like oils. Mixed media helps me free myself from any conventional ideas I have about painting.